BMW E36 Blog

A BMW E36 328i muscles . . . Great!

29th November 2007

A BMW E36 328i muscles . . . Great!

posted in E36 M3, fun, Videos |

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I’ve found this video for a BMW E36 328i showing some muscles. I have to admit that this is making me feel a little bit jealous for having a 318is. The car power is really impressive and makes you think about the BMW M3’s and how powerful and joyful they are. Please pay attention to the beginning of the video in which it says "The following video is 100% fictional and was rendered by a super-computer. Do not attempt any of this!" LOOOL! sweet. So are you ready? take a look and please let me know what you think of it.

Check it out!


I hope you liked the video . . . if not, come on let’s see your videos 😉

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There are currently 2 responses to “A BMW E36 328i muscles . . . Great!”

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  1. 1 On December 2nd, 2007, Alexander said:

    This video mekes me jealous, for having 328 with …. automatic transmission o_O

  2. 2 On December 2nd, 2007, Tony Sticks said:

    LOOOL! Come on Alexander. What are you waiting for? You’re almost in heaven. Just need one extra conversion.