BMW E36 Blog

BMW E36 M3 Drifting . . . Fabulous!

29th October 2008

BMW E36 M3 Drifting . . . Fabulous!

posted in E36 M3, fun, Uncategorized, Videos |

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Hi Guys,

I was very excited today when I saw this drifting video for a BMW E36 M3. I saw many videos like this one and always liked them as they show how much control a driver has over the car and how much fun you can get with a BMW E36 (M3 maybe?). Anyway, today’s video is different. It actually shows the ultimate control over these cars. As I said before, I saw many drifting videos but I don’t think anyone has come close to this one. This driver is reaaaly goooood.

Take a look, can you do this?


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There are currently 10 responses to “BMW E36 M3 Drifting . . . Fabulous!”

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  1. 1 On October 29th, 2008, doofguru said:

    That driver is awesome!!!!

  2. 2 On October 30th, 2008, Anthony said:

    WOW! That video makes we want to try that at home! πŸ˜€

  3. 3 On October 30th, 2008, pMulc07 said:

    That was amazing! I would love to get into drifting.

    I go nuts in the winter time with my snow tires. And I’m actually really impressed how well my e36 handles the snow. Its so much fun!

    But I’m too scared to try drifting on dry pavement, its much more difficult. I would love to go play around on a track though, where its a bit safer and legal. I already have 4 points on my license for ‘reckless driving’. I mean I tried to tell the officer that I was indeed in control the whole time, but he wasn’t buyin’ it.

  4. 4 On October 31st, 2008, Paulicious said:

    This Is extra Awesome!!!!!!!. Why are BMW so controllable I always ask and they change when you get more speed like they become more tight. Or you just feel it so controllable I’ve been there. At freeways you just want to go faster and faster fell so much the car can go. I also have some speeding tickets. I wondering who else have them. I love My BMW I can never change it for another one. They all different and nothing like these cars.

  5. 5 On November 3rd, 2008, Guetzer said:

    Thats insane!!! i love it! BMW RULES!!! πŸ˜€

  6. 6 On January 8th, 2009, lexocom said:

    Drifting is cool!

    p.s.L what does driver have near the Clutch? is it a hand brake (vertical o_O)?

  7. 7 On January 9th, 2009, Tony Sticks said:

    @lexocom: You mean the one at 00:18? I guess you’re right …. LOL really funny!!

  8. 8 On January 9th, 2009, lexocom said:

    Tony Sticks: You mean the one at 00:18? I guess youÒ€ℒre right Ò€¦. LOL really funny!!
    Yes πŸ™‚ that’s the thing. i missed the 0:18 part yesterday, it sure is Hand Brake TUNED a bit. But it definitely not M3 Style.
    I think it’s the only way to drift so good.

  9. 9 On January 9th, 2009, lexocom said:

    Here i found some πŸ™‚ info

    it has hydro power and vertical hand.

  10. 10 On January 10th, 2009, Tony Sticks said:

    @lexocom: Wow! great info and great observation. Really, this is the first time I know about this hydraulic hand brake. Just awesome πŸ˜€