BMW E36 Blog

Miss November 2008 . . . Great!

19th November 2008

Miss November 2008 . . . Great!

posted in Models, Photos, Uncategorized |

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Hello guys,

It’s time for a new model for the month of November 2008. I believe today’s choice is very good and I’m sure you are going to like it. Usually, I prefer many colors over the white, but from time to time, you just see a car and can’t help but say wow!. Take a look… What do you think?


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There are currently 2 responses to “Miss November 2008 . . . Great!”

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  1. 1 On November 19th, 2008, Anthony said:

    It looks like a 318 that someone slapped an ///M badge on.

  2. 2 On November 22nd, 2008, Sean said:

    Yeah, get rid of that M badge and it would look fine. Not sure on the photoshop effort, would like nicer with the standard pictures.