BMW E36 Blog

Ugly BMW E36 Headlights

20th May 2008

Ugly BMW E36 Headlights

posted in Exterior, Photos, Uncategorized |

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Dear All,

Since the time I bought my car, I’ve seen ten’s of headlight designs that were made especially for the E36 cars and I dare to say that there are only 6 or maybe 7 designs that look really cool on the E36 cars. ZKW is a good example of these nice quality and look. The rest of the headlights that I’ve seen look very bad and will give your E36 a silly look.

Today, I found these headlights on EBay:

And I said, that’s it, I need to write a post about these ugly headlights. So, here we are… My advice to you friends is that shinny glass and chrome are BAD choices for your car. So, whenever you look at a headlight from now on, just ask yourself this question:-

Do these headlights shine or have chrome? If the answer is yes, then move your eyes away from them and do NOT, I repeat do NOT, even consider them.

I’m saying this, because I’ve never seen a headlight, not a single one with these characteristics that looked good on a BMW E36.


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There are currently 5 responses to “Ugly BMW E36 Headlights”

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  1. 1 On May 20th, 2008, mgr 328i csport said:

    that is a FACT!!!!!!!!true

  2. 2 On May 21st, 2008, Ken Edmundson said:

    I have actually been looking at buying those…..but black, not chrome…..The features i like about these particular ones is the one-piece design that doesn’t look like it was made for a civic…at least not in pics…i am kinda iffy about the LED angel eyes, but i guess that’s just another potential project….but yeah, CHROME = UGLY…that’s why i painted my grilles black….sorry, i’m rambling…

  3. 3 On May 21st, 2008, Tony Sticks said:

    @Ken Edmundson: Hi, I suggest you check this BMW E36 Headlights for some options for your car.

  4. 4 On May 22nd, 2008, Ken Edmundson said:

    They actually are on the list….a few times…numbers 7, 8, 10, and 12 are all the same and is exactly what i was looking at… Number 7 is the pair that is pictured above. 🙂 My 325 is white so i think the black housing would look great. My criteria: they have to be one piece, black, angel eyes, projectors, CLASSY (means not chrome or cheap-looking), most important, priced within my narrow budget. i’m not a big fan of the circular corner/turn signal lights on some of the other designs

  5. 5 On May 22nd, 2008, Tony Sticks said:

    @Ken Edmundson: I think #14 should look good on your car, but I’m not 100% sure. I hate the leds between the two angel eyes though.