BMW E36 Keys
Today, I’ve learned about the wallet plastic key for the BMW E36 cars. These are some pictures of this emergency key. Take a look:

It’s just awesome. You’re supposed to keep this key in your wallet in case you’ve closed your car with your keys inside. So, this way, you will be able to use the plastic emergency key to solve your problem right away .. smart huh? I also learned that this key is supposed to be used only once, but I’m not sure about that. I mean about the key being disposable. anyone knows if this is true?
So, I looked in the BMW E36 owner’s manual and found that when you buy a brand new BMW E36, which is something I didn’t experience :p you get 4 keys for your car:

And these keys according to the E36 manual are:
1. Master key with battery-powered lamp (switch on by pressing the BMW symbol).
2. Master key without lamp.
3. Spare key to be kept in a safe place e.g. your wallet. This key is not intended for continuous use.
4. Door and ignition key: This key does NOT operate the locks for the glove compartment and the luggage compartment. This is useful e.g. in a hotel. wow! I love that 😀
Isn’t that great? Unfortunately, I only have one key for my car. I don’t have the other three. What about you guys?
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