I’ve published a post and a poll asking for your opinions about creating a new forum on this website that is devoted to the BMW E36 cars only. Since then, I’ve been watching the results and I saw that most of you think that it’s a very good idea. So, I decided sometime ago to start creating that forum and now it’s almost done. You can check the forum here:
BMW E36 Forum
Please feel free to register your account and start using it. I just want to let you know that I still need to:
1. Make some modifications to the forum’s header which I’m not happy with it yet. The orange bar that is covering the car should be moved down a little bit, but it seems to be harder than I thought.
2. Install some mods for the Phpbb3 forum which is going to make using the forum easier and more efficient.
3. Find moderators: I was hoping that some of you will come forward to become moderators on the forum because I’m not sure that it’s going to be a very easy task to do it alone. So, please register your account and shoot me an email. I’m having some people in my mind, but I will wait and see before starting to ask you by names :p
Please notice that the forum is just starting and I’ve updated the settings according to what I feel is right (I’m not an expert in the forums). So, if you think there’s something missing or something that needs to be modified, please feel free to let me know by adding a comment below.
Also, what do you think of the categories? Did I miss anything?
One last thing. I originally thought of the forum idea to allow you to ask questions freely and to solve an important problem that I’m having with the blog. That is, people are using the comment field under the blog posts to ask questions that are not related to the post subject. Starting from now, please post these questions in the forum, not the blog. Thanks for understanding.
Enjoy the forum…
BMW E36 Blog: The ultimate BMW E36 M3 information source.
posted in Uncategorized |
I’m sure the title of this post has dragged your attention and it should because it did the same to me. I’ve discovered that the BMW E36 had an OEM option to get a navigation system with it. It seems the navigation system was a rare option and very expensive at the production time which explains how rare it is. I think it may also have been not very common and that’s why not too many cars have that option installed.
Take a look at this picture:

It’s amazing to find out that a BMW 1993 or maybe older could have this integrated navigation system.
Before anyone asks, I’m not sure if this navigation system is text or image based as I didn’t see it running. All I got to prove the existence of such an option is the above picture and this realoem link. I think it would be very cool if that option could be installed in our cars. Don’t you think?
BMW E36 Blog: The ultimate E36 information source.
posted in Electrical, Interior, Uncategorized |
If your car is like mine and has spent quite a long time without having the cabin air filter (please don’t even ask why), then I’m sure that your center airvent will be very dirty. Mine has tons of dirt and needs a very good cleaning as soon as possible. So, I decided to give it a clean up. The problem is that I don’t want to use air or water to clean the dirt from outside (front) because this will simply push the dirt inside the airvent deeper and it will come back again very soon after I turn on my air-conditioning. So, I thought the only possible way to give it a good cleanup is to remove the center airvent. It turned out that removing the center airvent is not as hard as I thought it would be. Basically, you will have to remove your radio and remove two screws that are holding the center airvent from below, then you’ll need to release a cable from under your knee panel. Don’t worry this is not hard either. After you do both steps, you will be able to get that airvent out then you can give it a very good cleanup.
I know that you’re waiting for a detiled writeup about this process, and I found a very good one for you, check here. It provides a detailed DIY (Do It Yourself) on how to accomplish this task easily.
Are you looking for more do it yourself procedures (DIY) ? I recommend the Bentley BMW 3 series service manual for you. I got it and I think it’s a gold mine for us -BMW E36 Owners-. If you didn’t grab your copy yet, get it right now! I’m sure you’ll find this book worth every penny you’ve paid for. Get the Bentley BMW 3 series service manual
BMW E36 Blog: The ultimate BMW E36 information source.
posted in Do It Yourself, Uncategorized |
Hello guys,
It’s time for our monthly model post. The model of this month was sent by Paul (thanks Paul for the cool pics). I normally see white cars with black interior, but I’ve never imagined the white interior could look that good on the BMW E36, especially with these vader seats. They look very cool. Take a look at the photos, I’m sure you’re going to like them . Have fun 😉
BMW E36 Blog: The ultimate BMW E36 M3 information source.
posted in Models, Photos, Uncategorized |