BMW E36 Blog

BMW E36 325 Show Car

14th December 2008

BMW E36 325 Show Car


Hi guys,

It’s been a long time since I posted something new on the blog and the reason behind this as usual, is that I’ve been very busy. It’s strange how I can’t even get myself to prepare a post that normally takes half hour or so when I’m busy. So, my apologies ladies and gents 😀

In today’s post, I’ve found pictures of a BMW E36 325 show car. What really caught my eyes was the exterior. It’s very wide and I didn’t even imagine this could be done to a BMW E36 or maybe I thought it will make it look ugly as I don’t like heavy mods to the car’s exterior. It’s amazing how the changes that were made to this car make it look really special and well-taken care of. I’m sure that riding such a car will make some heads turn as it’s a very unusual design and everyone who doesn’t know the BMW E36 very well (or as much as we do) will think hmm… sweet… these guys at BMW are doing a great job with their new 2009 design 😀

If you’re interested in the figures, you can check the car’s website here.

Take a look at the photos, what do you think?

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posted in Exterior, fun, Photos, Tips & Tricks, Uncategorized | 5 Comments