Get Your Email
I’ve made some changes to the BMWE36BLOG.COM hosting account in order to be able to create a larger number of email addresses. The idea behind this is to be able to provide the readers of this blog with an email address (for instance in exchange for a little amount of money that you pay on monthly basis. I have prepared two types of emails. One with 50MB quota which costs 10$/mo and another type with 10MB quota for 5$/mo. I know this is not the best offer on the web, but I was hoping to get some of you to register their emails as a way to support this blog. At first, I was expecting to get at least 50 requests for emails since I put the "Support Me" image on the left sidebar, but believe it or not, I didn’t receive any requests until now. I just thought that you might be interested in getting such an email account. Anyway, please feel free to comment about this and whether getting an email from this blog is going to be a cool thing or not.
Read more about this here or you can order an email account here:
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