Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
I’ve seen some videos for a racing game called Gran Turismo 5 and I was shocked to see them. They are really amazing!! I’ve posted before about the Forza Motorsport game and I was really excited about it and about how good the graphics were. Today, I have changed my mind. The new Gran Turismo 5 game which can be played on Sony Playstation 3 is away much better. I didn’t try to play the game yet, but I’m almost sure I will like it. Take a look at this video. It’s the official trailer for the game.

And this is a video for a BMW 135i inside the Gran Turismo 5 game (Yes BMW has new series called 1-series in case you don’t know) . It looks great and almost real to me. Pay attention to the driver, it made me laugh sometimes when taking shortcuts to win the game. LOL!
What do you think of this game? Have you tried it before?
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