Get Expert Help for your BMW
In case you didn’t notice, I’ve added a new service to BMW E36 Blog. Take a look here:
This service is being provided by By using this service you can get help to fix a problem with your car from one of their great experts. The service costs you 15$ normally. You have two other options in which you can pay 9$ if you have a tight budget or 30$ for a really urgent question. I know that some of you will say that I can ask on the forums or here on the BMW E36 Blog, but I really don’t recommend the forums, because you don’t always know who’s the guy that’s answering. you don’t know if he even has a good experience in what he’s talking about.
I contacted Ron from and asked him if they have experts in BMW E36 cars and he sent me information about two of their experts in that car:
William B is BMW Master Certified, Auto Service Technician. 100% Positive Feedback on 297 Car Accepts. Associate Degree Automotive Technology, Master ASE, Master BMW, Master Mazda, 30+ years experience
here’s a sample of his answers:
Doctor D Specializing in BMW cars. But also has extensive experience with all other Lines. He has ASE Master Tech, Rotary Club, AAA FL State Finalist, All data information specialist, IATN Member
here’s a sample of his answers:
I hope you like this new service. I recommend you to try it, if you have a problem with your car that needs expert help. I’m sure you’ll find it great.
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