Happy Birthday BMW E36 Blog!
I’m not sure if you have noticed the fireworks on BMW E36 Blog website. Today December 13th 2007 is the first anniversary of the blog. I’ve started writing here exactly on December 13th, 2006 and now it has been a year already. I can’t believe that a full year has passed by, but I sure enjoyed every minute of it. In that year I have tried to write about everything that is related to BMW E36 cars and I really enjoyed that, and I hope you’ve enjoyed it the same way I did.
A word on stats:-
In this year I was able to bring a good amount of traffic to the blog. Now, my statistics software shows that I’m receiving 17K unique visitors per month. This is a very nice accomplishment although I’m still looking to get more and more exposure to the BMW E36 community. My readers are growing at a very good rate and I have 112 subscribers to my blog. On Google I’m ranking very good on some keywords that some webmasters would kill for 🙂 and I’ve PR4 (Page rank 4).
What’s next?
In the next year, I will keep working on this blog to get it better and to provide even more useful content to my readership. If you’re reading this blog and you didn’t subscribe to it yet, please use the form below to subscribe via email. If you don’t like email subscription, you can subscribe through RSS at the top-right of this blog.
What do you think?
Please feel free to drop me some lines below to tell me what you think. Also, if you have any notes that you want me to take into account in the future please don’t hesitate to let me know.
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