What problems does your BMW E36 have?
We all know that BMW E36 cars do have some (or many) problems that you will have to face sooner or later. I usually try to ignore them for a while, but find myself unable to keep ignoring them anymore, so I start a campaign to fix any problems that I see (or feel 🙂 ). Last time, my headlights were looking foggy and I thought of replacing them, but unfortunately, found a very good solution (kind of waxing) that restored them to their great shiny look. Although I successfully managed to fix this, I still have many issues to fix in the car. For instance, the paint needs some maintenance. My sunroof doesn’t open correctly, so I have to address this as well. I also need to do the Making your BMW Angel Eyes Fadeout . . . DIY! procedure which I talked about yesterday. That’s for my car, what about you guys? Anyone cares to share his/her car’s problems with us? Is it your headliner? Glove box? Windows? AC? Engine? . . . come on people, don’t be shy . . . Oh . . . one more thing, I forgot to mention my idle problem that’s driving me crazy.
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