BMW E36 drifting around a column
I always loved watching car drifts especially BMW E36 ones, but what I enjoy the most is watching these drifts when a car is revolving around a column (or a person Haha). I know, that this is not that hard, but since I didn’t try this ever, I can’t be the judge. BTW, did you ever see a car drifting around a person before? I recall that I’ve seen a video like this but it was not for a BMW. It was for another car (classic car if I remember correctly) with two girls and the driver is revolving the car just one inch far from the girl’s feet. I really thought that was seriously insane, but very good to watch at the same time.
First, the BMW E36 drift
Then the revolving around a girl
I hope you liked the video . . . if not, come on let’s see your videos 😉
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