Integrate Your Garage Door Opener Into Your BMW
Hello all, I’ve received this nice tip from David (I’m not going to mention his full name or location, you will know why later) with a nice way to hide your garage door opener behind the light switch cavity. I think this is a nice and smart trick that will make your life easier besides it’s very easy and doesn’t cost much. Here’s the tip in David’s words.
Just wanted to let you know that an easy mod to get rid of that ugly garage door opener is to put it behind the headlight switch cavity. I looked around your website and did not find this, so I hope I’m not repeating something you may have already posted. I took my opener apart (there’s not much to it on the inside), soldered a couple of wires to the switch, and put a momentary contact switch that I got at Radio Shack in the blank spot on the foglight bazel. I used Velcro to mount the thing inside the cavity, plus one on a new 9v. battery. It looks really cool, plus no one will know I have it, so there are no worries about someone breaking into my car to steal the opener and get into my garage. Hope you find this useful.
So, what do you think of this trick? Thank you David for sharing it.
If you guys have any similar tips or tricks that you think may be useful to other BMW E36 owners, please feel free to let me know. I will post them just like this one.
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