BMW E36 M3 Pre-Purchase Info
Hi, These are 3 videos that contain loads of essential information about buying a BMW E36 M3. So, if you’re going to buy one, or if you already have one, I’m sure you’ll find this information very helpful. The videos also try to mention the most common problems known about these cars and how you should check to make sure that your car doesn’t have one of them.
This is a gold mine in my opinion, so after you watch the videos you should be able to tell whether your car was hit before or not. You should know the VIN number locations in your car plus determine if any of the body parts has been replaced by a previous owner or has been messed with.
Take a look, I hope you find these videos useful:-
BMW E36 Blog: The Ultimate BMW E36 M3 Information Source.

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posted in Cooling System, E36 M3, Engine, Exterior, Interior, Technical Info, Tips & Tricks, Uncategorized, Videos | 2 Comments