BMW E36 Blog Hitting The 200 Subscribers Mark
All of this has started with a dream to create a blog that can be useful to BMW E36 owners and to provide tips and ideas that I have about this great car. To be honest with you all, it was really hard to get this blog out there and to make it grow at a steady rate. I still recall my first 37 subscribers who were and still loyal to my blog. At that time, I was struggling to get more people to see my blog and to subscribe to it. I’ve read many articles about this, and the most important tip that I was given by all these articles was this:
Write Great Content!
So, I kept putting my effort to write great posts (at least in my opinion as a BMW E36 owner), and not forgetting to make the blog a little bit fun to make sure you don’t get bored of BMW E36 pure stuff.
Now, I’m really glad that I’ve reached this target that I set over a year a go and at some point, I thought it’s impossible to accomplish. Hitting the 200 subscribers mark was a challenge and I’ve done it. Now I’m feeling great that after all this effort, it’s WORKING! 😆
I want to welcome my new subscribers and to thank you all for being loyal readers to this blog. In the coming months, I will put more effort in this blog to make sure it’s providing the information that you like to read about. Please feel free to contact me about any notes or suggestions that you may think will make this blog better and more useful to you. After all, this blog is not mine, it’s yours.
Thanks again everyone.
BMW E36 Blog: The ultimate E36 information source.

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