BMW E36 Blog

Amazon Kindle . . . A new way to read!

6th December 2007

Amazon Kindle . . . A new way to read!

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Hi Guys, I’ve been looking at Amazon website books when I saw a new toy that they have. This is the first time I see something like this. Anyway, this new toy is called Amazon Kindle and it’s supposed to change the way you read for ever. This device is actually a moving library that you can carry with you wherever you go. If you didn’t see its advertisement before, check it out here.

Amazon Kindle

I really think this is a great way to read books, of course if you like reading, because it can hold many books and you can take it wherever you go. You can even read in the sun. And like if this is not enough, it can also download your newspaper automatically in the morning everyday Wow!. Now, that’s the good things about it. I’m not sure about the price as it’s $399.0. I’m also not sure about how comfortable you will be while using it to read for hours. But they definitely took this into consideration when they designed it. Anyway, take a look at it. It’s a really amazing toy that I couldn’t prevent myself from writing about it.


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There are currently 2 responses to “Amazon Kindle . . . A new way to read!”

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  1. 1 On December 7th, 2007, Barney McComas said:

    I love the DIY portion of this website, but I just received this post about Amazon’s electronic books. This has nothing to do with BMWs, and looks like an advertizement, not a post. I’m not subscribed to receive ads, and I wish there were a way to opt out of all but the DIY posts. If this is the direction the site is taking I’ll just have to unsubscribe and try to remember to visit the site occasionally.

  2. 2 On December 7th, 2007, Tony Sticks said:

    Hi Barney,

    I’m very sorry to hear that you didn’t like this post. As you may know, I write all the time about BMW E36 cars and I know that you among the other subscribers to this blog love reading about them. However, I feel that it’s a good thing to write about other things from time to time. This will keep me and you all from feeling bored about the topic.

    Mel Gibson is one of my favorite actors and I absolutely love all his movies. I recall that once I’ve subscribed to a blog about him. The author of that blog kept writing news pieces, posting photos, posting video clips about him and didn’t try to change a bit over time. I felt bored after a while and decided to unsubscribe.

    What I’m trying to say is that I think writing about other things is very good to keep the readers from feeling bored. No matter how much you love a subject, keep writing all the time about it without making some changes now and then will make you feel bored at the end.

    As I recall, when you sent me your last email, I’ve told you that the DIY procedures on this blog are titled with “… DIY” at the end, so that you can find them easily. This means that you can simply skip this post, if you don’t like the title. I do this all the time and it doesn’t waste any of my time.

    Please don’t feel offended by me choosing to write about other things that I love or think are cool to write about. And remember that I always try to write what you all like.

    I feel like you’re going to kill me in the next couple days if I didn’t provide you with a new DIY article for your babe, so I hope I will be able to post one soon to make sure you feel satisfied.

    Barney, you don’t want me to keep my mouth shut until I get another DIY to write about? do you? 🙂