BMW E36 Engine Size . . . Poll
posted in Technical Info, Tips & Tricks, Uncategorized |
As you may have guessed, it’s time for a new poll on the BMW E36 Blog. About the last poll that we had, it was about creating a new BMW E36 Forum on this website. The results for that poll were like this:
Obviously, a lot have thought that creating a new forum was a very good idea in order to make one that is devoted to BMW E36 cars only. 95 out of 118 agreed to this idea which is a very high percentage (about 80%). So, I’ve created the forum and told you about it earlier. For those who didn’t sign up for that forum yet, I suggest that you go ahead and give it a try. I’m sure you’re going to like it very much.
Visit the BMW E36 Forum
The forum is doing very well taking into consideration its young age, but it can do much better (I presume) than that with your contributions, so, please feel free to post any content that you think other BMW E36 owners may find useful.
Enough talking about the BMW E36 Forum. Now, for today’s poll. I’ve published the poll yesterday after I made the BMW E36 318IS Donuts post and didn’t talk about it, but it seems that 14 readers have already made their votes. The poll is about your car’s engine size. I know that there are a lot of readers with 1.8 litres and M3 engines, but I needed to know some exact numbers which may at the end give us an idea about the type of cars/engines that are being used by the drivers in this community. So, I hope that you make your votes if you haven’t already done so. You can find it as usual at the right sidebar.
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posted on November 13th, 2008 at 11:51 am
posted on November 20th, 2008 at 11:04 am