BMW E36 Blog

Fabric BMW E36 Door Panels

21st October 2008

Fabric BMW E36 Door Panels

posted in Interior, Photos, Tips & Tricks, Uncategorized |

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I’ve been looking at the bimmer forums when I saw this photo which was posted by Boarderx192:

Fabric Door Panel

Fabric Door Panel

It’s a picture of a BMW E36 door panel with fabric on it. At first, I was shocked to see how far some people can go with their changes to the look of their cars and honestly (as I’m sure many will agree), I didn’t like the fabric but Boarderx192 has explained that this is just the first step of a major change to his interior and that he was going to introduce other changes to the interior to match that fabric. So for me, I guess it’s good to put an effort to make your car stand out from the crowd, but I’m not sure if this car will end up to be a very cool or a very ugly one. Anyway, can you imagine the changes to this car that will make it something special?

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There are currently 3 responses to “Fabric BMW E36 Door Panels”

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  1. 1 On October 21st, 2008, Steve said:

    If he used better material… with no pattern, then maybe it would look better. I think a nice black suede will feel and look nice… hmmm, idea

  2. 2 On October 22nd, 2008, Paulicious said:

    What A great Idea. It is interesting how people go to change the way their car looks. I thought it it a great idea.

  3. 3 On October 22nd, 2008, Steve said:

    Nice idea, bad execution. I really like the idea and am thinking of implementing it myself, just not with that disgusting material