BMW E36 Blog

Just upgraded the blog to WordPress 2.3.1

20th November 2007

Just upgraded the blog to WordPress 2.3.1

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Hi Guys,

You may have noticed that this blog fails to load occasionally in the last couple days. When you try to load the website, you will be greeted with a problem like “Account Suspended, please contact the webmaster” and it talks about CPU usage being exceeded. I saw this yesterday and I contacted Host Monster to report this problem. They answered me that this problem has nothing to do with their servers and that I will need to fix the problem with my website. One of the suggestions that they offered was to upgrade the blog software to the latest (WordPress 2.3.1). I did that and now I’m hoping this will resolve the issue.

The problem is that I’m not sure if this will totally fix the problem, so I will need your help. Just post a comment in this post if you saw the Death Screen.

Important: Please notice that the BMW Blog account is not suspended. So, if you saw the death screen, simply wait for a minute and try again. It will work. I tried it myself.

Death Screen

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There are currently 4 responses to “Just upgraded the blog to WordPress 2.3.1”

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  1. 1 On November 20th, 2007, Jim K said:

    I saw it…

  2. 2 On November 20th, 2007, Tony Sticks said:

    Hi Jim,

    When did you see it? After I made the upgrade?

  3. 3 On November 20th, 2007, Vins said:

    Probably you have exceeded the amount of CPU you bought from your provider… the message simply means that for a while the total amount of CPU that the blog is using have reached his edge… that’s confirmed from my point of view by the fact that after some minutes it works again, probably why the total CPU amount consumed by the blog has lowered and so he can accomplish the request…
    hope it helps… 🙂


  4. 4 On November 21st, 2007, Tony Sticks said:

    Hi Vins,

    It’s good to know that we have some websites guru here. I’ve been told that if the blog consumed more than 30 seconds of CPU time in a single minute (60 seconds), the server will issue this as a precaution measure.

    The only thing that I’m trying to find out is why this happening only now. I didn’t make any serious changes to the blog recently which means that I’m inocent. However, if the reason is that I’m getting some serious traffic that my blog is unable to handle anymore, I would be more than happy to live with that :D.

    What I’m trying to do now is to keep watching the blog after the WordPress upgrade. If the problem is not resolved I will have to find another solution.