I have lots of things that I want to talk to you about so, lets start right away. First, I’ve noticed in the last couple days that the BMW E36 Blog is loading slower than normal. So, I contacted my host (hostmonster.com) in order to have them check if there’s a problem with my hosting server. They replied that the server is ok and working at normal speed and that it may be caused by my connection. I’ve noticed that my connection is a little bit slower these days than what it used to be (I must have forgotten to pay that bill :p LOL!). So, I decided to ask for your opinion? Are you feeling the BMW E36 Blog is slower than normal? I mean really slow to the degree that it’s annoying? or is it fast as normal and the problem is in my connection only?
Second, did you notice the 498 subscribers to the blog? I’m almost there to acheive the 500-subscriber mark which I have to admit is a target that I didn’t think it’s going to be accomplished, but here we are! We’re almost there! I just need 2 more subscribers to reach that. What do you think? Is that a great thing or what!!! Of course, I want to thank all of you for being loyal subscribers to my blog and I want to welcome my new subscribers as well. I hope you will enjoy the blog and find it useful.
Third, umm… okay I’ve noticed lately that there is a lot of questions being posted in the comments section which sometimes are not related in anyway to the post content. and this is normal because if the visitors of the blog have questions that need answering, they have no other way to post their questions except as a comment. I totally understand that, but from a logical point of view, it would be better if these questions were put in a separate location, so I started to think about creating a BMW E36 only forum. Of course, I’m aware of the fact that there is a lot of forums about BMW cars including the E36 model. But, I think that having a website like this one which deals with BMW E36 cars only is a very good idea. So, as you can see, I’m a little bit lost and I couldn’t take that decision alone. So, I decided to go ahead and ask you. What do you think of this idea, having a BMW E36 forum hosted on the BMW E36 blog? Of course, you’re welcome to share your thoughts below. But, please use the right sidebar poll to vote for the idea.
About our previous poll, the results are:

Poll 5 Result
So, according to this poll, I guess there’s a lot of people here who need to upgrade their headlights 😀 . I will try to concentrate a little bit on this issue in the future.
Finally, please take a look at the poll on the right sidebar and let us hear your opinions. Have fun!
BMW E36 Blog: The ultimate BMW E36 M3 information source.
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It’s time for a new poll here on the BMW E36 Blog. I’ve read many posts that are talking about the posting frequency and how this would affect your audience. To summarize, your readers normally like a certain number of posts per week and that you should seek their opinion about your posting frequency and whether they like your current number of posts per week or not. Then of course, you should follow their will. I’m expecting that the number of posts per week is fine but that’s just me (I’ve voted by the way), so I will leave things up to you now. So, if I’m making you overwhelmed or thirsty for more articles, this is your chance. I’m listening.
About the previous poll, the question was "Would you like to participate in BMW E36 Blog by posting your own articles?". 43 votes were made. The result of the poll was that 72% of the voters would love to participate. Take a look at the result of the vote below:

After I saw that result, I’ve published a post about Participating in the BMW E36 Blog. So, if you didn’t read that post yet, please do now and let me know what you think. If you don’t know how to start, please contact me or leave me a comment and I will be glad to show you how easy it is.
Alright, now it’s your turn to vote. Please take a look at the poll on the right sidebar and let us hear your opinion. Have fun!
BMW E36 Blog: The ultimate BMW E36 information source.
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I’ve started a poll couple months ago with a question which goes like this "Would you like to participate in BMW E36 Blog by posting your own articles?". The result of the poll was 68% with a Yes answer. Making many users participate in writing on this blog will be a very healthy thing (well I think). It can provide the blog with fresh voices who will add variety and enhance the user experience on this blog. So, I’ve decided to give this a try and see if it’s going to work or not.
Starting from today, if you have any article that you’d like to post to this blog you can do it. You will have to register on this blog (right sidebar). After you register, you can login to your account and write a new post. These posts will need to be reviewed by me to make sure they will have the necessary formatting and other stuff. For those of you who are already registered, I think you may need to contact me in order to modify your user role to become a contributor on this blog. So, please feel free to contact me or submit a comment below.
Please keep in mind that this is just a trial and it should not affect this blog quality or post frequency in anyway. If it worked well and found it helping the blog readers to get more useful information about their BMW E36 cars, I will keep it.
Of course, if you have any opinion about this new idea or you simply hate it. Please post your opinion. You all know that this blog is for you guys which means that if you don’t approve something, I’m not going to do it PERIOD.
BMW E36 Blog: The ultimate BMW E36 information source.
posted in Uncategorized |