Embarrassing moments in your E36!
Hi Guys,
I’ve found this thread about some of the funniest and embarrassing moments for BMW E36 owners. I hope you like it.
When your passenger asks you why your car has no cup holders…and you answer “because it’s an extra $90 at the dealer.
Out on a first date with probably the hottest girl to date, 2 things happen:
Car overheats in traffic 🙂
Just got new rims didn’t think about my CAI, turned a sharp corner and the tire caught my filter, ripped it right out and i ran it over! i had to pull over and run on the street to pick up the pieces. LOOOOL!
This was when i first got my car. Sitting at a red light, looking all cool. then i couldn’t get into first (common problem) and stalled it when everyone was checking out the car.
One day into driving stick, I am in traffic and stall out and the guy behind me in the smallest Hyundai you can buy is beeping at me and giving the finger.
At Bimmerfest, My battery died after a group of us stopped. Then me and my friend had to go into a Church to ask for jumper cables. Worst thing is… 2 mins later a bride and groom came out of the church and Im standing there trying to jump my car.
When I act cool at the school when i get dropped of at and everyone is looking i go to put my window up it decides to go down then i put it up and it goes down and looks like crap.
When I installed my battery incorrectly and reversed the terminals. My friends truck was dead so I took the battery out of my trunk and used it to start his car since we didn’t have cables. When I put it back in I reversed the terminals. Now, one is bigger than the other so it didn’t fit right at first. So what do I do? I take a hammer (which I happen to have in the trunk) and hammer the terminals on incorrectly. Well there were sparks and then a man walking by tells me there’s smoke coming out of the engine. Well, I fried my alternator and killed the battery. I was able to drive home just on battery power and now I have a new battery and a used ’98 M3 alternator instead of the
Once I tried to impress a group of girls. I tried starting my car, oblivious that I set the Code feature, and the engine just turned over. I tried again and it just turned over. I saw the girls start to laugh, so I tried a third time, not understanding why my baby won’t start, and the alarm goes off! By the time I shut the alarm off and start the car, the girls are already walking away laughing.
I had just rented a car to drive up to NC to get my 328i and i went to the gas station to fill it up and the pump was going kinda slow, so i just used the lil locking thing so it’ll pump w/o me holding it and i walk in the store to buy a lil snack and come back out, hop in the car and drive off. i got a few feet and hear a clunk and see about 50 people stopped at a red light pointing and laughing… i just drove off with the hose still in the gas tank, it disconnected it from the actual gas pump, so i just had the f*ckin hose hanging from my gas tank…
I hope you liked these, lets see your comments. . .
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Best regards,
Tony Sticks.

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