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BMW E36 M3 VS BMW E60 M5 . . . Weird result!

23rd May 2007

BMW E36 M3 VS BMW E60 M5 . . . Weird result!

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Hi Friends,


   I hope you will not be shocked about this new video that you’re about to see. To tell the truth, I’m not really convinced of it, so I either think that the guy with the E60 M5 is a real newbie or that . . . BMW guys have been playing all these years. Anyway, the video shows a BMW E36 M3 that is almost side by side to a E60 M5. The weird thing is that the E36 spanked the E60. hmmm. . . I know that E36 M3 is a very strong car, but compared to E60 M5, is should’ve lost, hands down, but I don’t know what happened. Anyway, enjoy and let me know what you think.


Take a look . . .  



I hope you liked the video . . . if not, come on let’s see your videos 😉


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Best regards,

Tony Sticks.

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There are currently 7 responses to “BMW E36 M3 VS BMW E60 M5 . . . Weird result!”

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  1. 1 On June 7th, 2007, Russ said:

    The M3 was turbo charged – you can hear the wastegate ‘chirping’ at every gear change.
    The heavy M5 puts out 507 bhp and I would guess the M3 puts out ‘at least’ 500 bhp but more than likely much more.

  2. 2 On June 7th, 2007, Tony Sticks said:

    Maybe this explains the odd result that was presented here. I also think the driver is not so good, but I’m not really sure about that.

  3. 3 On July 20th, 2007, daniel said:

    hi guys just wanna say that i drive my own m5 e39 std. there is no way that a std E36 M3
    can beat me in anyway u like.. now the e60 play with my e39. so my comment thats b@#%^$t!!
    But,, with tuned engine,turbo and weight that will take the (STD) m5 down. thank u thats all

  4. 4 On July 21st, 2007, Tony Sticks said:

    Daniel, have you ever tried to race a standard E36 M3? If yes, what was the result?

    I would love to see a video for E36 M3 vs E39 M5 (both standard). Did you see such a race b4?

  5. 5 On July 23rd, 2007, Daniel said:

    tony i would love 2 see a video like that e39 vs e36, never found a m3 to drag. i live in south africa in jhb. i was on my way to a race meeting called wesbank raceway, on the highway while cruising @ 180km/h a red 2dr m3 went pass me! i think he was doing about 210km/h maybe… that was a nice bmw,polished and the engine noise! that baby dont own a std exh system. i am a race freak,i shifted back to 5th gear and my silver m5 propelled forward with ease.. +/- 20sec later i was on the m3’s tail, i kept my car in 5th this went on for a min or 2. suddenly grey smoked puffed out of the m3 tail pipes as he was pulling away then i planted my 5.0l 400hp e39. i must say sometimes it takes a bmw to beat a bmw…. it was a little hill climb action at that stage, so i out powered the m3. @245 km/h i went passed the red bmw, just over the hill i hit 265 on my speedo my speedlimiter spoils it again. the m3 catches up and tata u stupid m5. by the time he went pass me, i can be wrong he was doing about 280. all that i can do now is to remove my limiter,like he did. but i dare him to take me on 0-265km/h. once again i can be the wrong one. on paper std m3 cant do the job sorry. regards to all danie

  6. 6 On July 23rd, 2007, Tony Sticks said:

    Hey Daniel,

    I would love to see what you’ve just described on YouTube. It would be nice to see this competition between 2 BMWs.

  7. 7 On September 18th, 2007, Allan Pedersen said:

    That E36 M3 is turbocharged as Russ said!

    It is made by Da Motorsport in Istanbul and produces 1100Hp @ 36psi/2.5Bar. 1230NM / 905 lb/ft

    Here are som other videoes of the same one

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