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BMW E36 vs BMW E46 . . . Which One Do You Prefer?

4th March 2008

BMW E36 vs BMW E46 . . . Which One Do You Prefer?

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These are some photos that I’ve found for a BMW E36 and a BMW E46 together. The photos look really great and invite you to make a comparison between both cars. Of course, the color of the E36 is not my favorite and I absolutely love the E46 color very much (I think it’s Montego blue). This is to make things even worse. If it was up to me with those cars, I would change the E36 color to Montego blue and I’m 100% confident it is going to be a very clear choice that the E36 will look much better and sexier than the E46. What do you think guys? do you think the E36 is better looking than the E46 or not?



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There are currently 4 responses to “BMW E36 vs BMW E46 . . . Which One Do You Prefer?”

Why not let us know what you think by adding your own comment! Your opinion is as valid as anyone elses, so come on... let us know what you think.

  1. 1 On March 5th, 2008, paul said:

    my choise is..
    can’t deside 😀

  2. 2 On March 9th, 2008, Francisco Menezes said:

    No doubt that the E36 it’s the priettiest car in the world =]
    I love my car

  3. 3 On March 9th, 2008, Anuruddha said:

    I find the blue colour too flashy for the E36. The green colour suits that car because of its shape. The blue colour fits the E46 because it’s got clear lens lights. So, I’d leave the colours as they are. As for the looks, I agree with you that the E36 is better than it’s brother.

    By the way, the E36 is the real “big brother” since it’s older than the E46.

    –Anuruddha from Sri Lanka.

  4. 4 On March 18th, 2009, Jesse A. said:

    I like the e46 cause the e36 has too much of a square texture to it and the e46 is more aerodynamic in my opinion.