BMW E36 Blog

I Had A Serious Accident Yesterday . . . April Fools Joke!

2nd April 2008

I Had A Serious Accident Yesterday . . . April Fools Joke!

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Well, I didn’t really expect you guys to fall for this joke and to fall that easy! 😈 Actually yesterday was the April’s 1st and I thought I would try to do a silly joke and see if you guys will fall for it or not. To be honest, I was expecting one of you to say "Hey Tony! This is not your car, are you kidding me?" (take a look at the rims and the side skirts). But what can I say! you all just fall for it. I hope you all have a laugh at this and find it funny. And I want to thank you all from my heart for sending me your messages and comments which were filled of compassion. My car is safe and sound and you can see it here! it’s unharmed. 😀

April Fools Day


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There are currently 7 responses to “I Had A Serious Accident Yesterday . . . April Fools Joke!”

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  1. 1 On April 2nd, 2008, alpina said:

    lol pretty good one 🙂

  2. 2 On April 2nd, 2008, Paulicious said:

    Not Funny I felt for it. I was comparing my car to that one and hope it will never happened

  3. 3 On April 2nd, 2008, Tony Sticks said:


    I thought it’s going to be fun and that’s why I did it. Anyway, I’m sorry if it made you feel bad.

  4. 4 On April 2nd, 2008, ricky said:

    I almost dropped the RSS feed, thinking that if you didn’t have an e36 you wouldn’t be posting anything good anymore…

  5. 5 On April 2nd, 2008, Tony Sticks said:

    I’m glad that you didn’t do that Ricky! Even if it was true and my car had an accident (god forbid), I don’t think this will stop me from writing on the blog. I’m really enjoying every minute of it and I don’t think this will be ending anytime soon 😉

  6. 6 On April 3rd, 2008, Dennis said:

    Hehe normally i’m a bit of a pessimist when reading papers etc. on april 1st, but this one just got me. I really felt sorry for you, even compared you car to mine to see how much it was going to cost you lol. Great joke 😀

  7. 7 On April 3rd, 2008, Ashman said:

    i hate you 🙁

    hehehehe you got us though – good one!