BMW E36 Blog

BMW E36 OEM Floor Mats

4th January 2008

BMW E36 OEM Floor Mats


Since day one, I was annoyed by my car’s floor mats. They were rubber floor mats and look really disgusting and since I know the quality of the OEM BMW floor mats from my previous E30 car. That made me even more anxious to throw those floor mats away. So, I went and bought another set of floor mats. They were medium quality but not the factory original ones. But guess what . . . I’m still hating these mats too. They have 2 main problems. One is their color. It’s a close match to my car’s interior, but not 100% match. Two is the drivers mat. It’s not fitting there correctly. It keeps moving back and forth and sometimes it gets stuck with my gas pedal.

I’m sure that almost everyone here is suffering from this. Sometimes I think that BMW didn’t make enough floor mats for all the E36 cars that they’ve made 😆 . Anyway, I kept looking for some decent looking floor mats and I think I finally found them. They’re from Koperformance and they have grip fasteners. Take a look, they look really awesome:

BMW E36 OEM Floor Mats

BMW E36 OEM Floor Mats

BMW E36 OEM Floor Mats

BMW E36 OEM Floor Mats

After getting these floor mats, I think this problem will be solved for good.


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posted in Interior, Tips & Tricks | 5 Comments

2nd January 2008

Disappearing Car Doors


I’ve found a website which is talking about some new concept called "Disappearing Car Doors". It’s a new way for your car doors to open. Until now, we’ve seen four schemes in which a car door can be opened:

1. Doors that open vertically (Vertical Doors).

Vertical Door

2. Doors that open up and out.

Up and Out Door

3. Doors that open in the opposite direction.

Door Opposite

4. Doors that open to the top of the car.

Door Top

But this new scheme that I’m talking about is actually a sliding scheme in which a car door opens down below the car floor.

It’s really cool and electrically controlled. It also can be overridden manually in cases of emergency. I really like these doors, but I’m not 100% sure about their cost or quality. Check them out here and let me know what you think?


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posted in Super Cars, Tips & Tricks | 9 Comments

1st January 2008

A Review for BMW Australia


I’ve been contacted yesterday by Peter (he’s of the blog readers) and he sent me this link which has a review for BMW Australia. Peter has suffered from problems in a number of BMW cars that he owned.

It’s really sad to read how much of pain he suffered with these BMW cars. I’m really sure these problems were annoying and maybe dangerous in some situations. I recall that my E36 used to turn off when I turn my A/C on and in some situations, it turned off in some bad areas that really scared me (in traffic intersections sometimes). After that, I had to do some research and keep looking for solutions until one mechanic successfully fixed it.

I know for sure that these cars need good maintenance which can cost a fortune sometimes, but I think you all agree that you enjoy driving them. I’m not affiliated with BMW in anyway but I have to be honest about this. These cars are fun to drive.

I have also noticed that every newer model of BMW is a little bit more complicated than the previous one and in some cases leaves you with some problems that no one can help you with. That’s a real situation that I’ve been in couple times lately. It seems that every newer BMW generation gets even more complicated which results in more faults and more money to pay for fixes. I guess the new Mercedes and Jaguar cars are not better though.

With all that said, I know that the cars (especially new models) have some serious problems and in some situation hard to fix also, but BMW is a cool car when it’s working fine 😆 and I guess that’s what keeps the crowd hungry for more of that product.


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