BMW E36 Blog

BMW E36 Parking Sensor Installation – Part 2

27th March 2011

BMW E36 Parking Sensor Installation – Part 2

posted in Do It Yourself, Videos |

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Hi Guys,

This is the second part in the BMW E36 Parking Sensor installation DIY. In the following video, you’re going to see how I calculated the exact distance that should be left between each sensor and the next one and watch while I make the holes in the car’s bumper. Also, you’re going to see how I mount the parking sensors and pass their wires beneath the bumper and into my car’s trunk.

I hope you’ll find the video useful. Please notice that I’m going to post another video soon to show the installation of the monitor and may be include the test video that shows the parking sensor in action. I’ve already finished it and have been using it for 3 or 4 days now, but I didn’t find the time to prepare the other videos, so, I hope you’ll stay tuned for the rest of the DIY and the test videos.

Ready? enjoy…


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There are currently 2 responses to “BMW E36 Parking Sensor Installation – Part 2”

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  1. 1 On December 12th, 2011, Niko said:


    Are you having any problems with water leaking in through the breather you used to run the wires to the interior? In my personal opinion it’s not one of the best ways to run the wires inside the car, but beats making a hole in the rear wall if you’re not sure you can plug it tight afterwards.

  2. 2 On December 13th, 2011, Tony Sticks said:

    Niko » No… I didn’t not notice any problems at all with my current setup, although it has already rained heavily twice or maybe 3 times.